Quality policy determined by the MEPSAN Top Management to explain our understanding and goals of quality to our employees, customers, and suppliers includes the following principles.

- Implementing the basic principles of the IATF 16949 Quality Management System in all our activities.
- Ensuring customer satisfaction at a quality level that exceeds customer expectations.
- Continuously improving all processes (processes/activities) that affect the quality of our products and services with the participation of our employees.
- Motivating our employees, who are our most important resource, and contributing to their individual development through continuous training.
- Emphasizing teamwork in achieving our goals.
- Increasing our efficiency by working in mutual cooperation and trust with our suppliers.
- Preserving the environment and natural resources we live in.
- By continuously supporting our high knowledge and experience in sheet metal and plastic part production and molding with developing technology, we aim to ensure continuous customer satisfaction and become a preferred supplier.
Through the adoption and implementation of our Quality Policy by our employees, we aim to continuously improve all our processes and meet the current and future expectations of our customers.
MEPSAN Inc. is based on the value it gives to human and environment in all its activities and aims to meet the needs and expectations of its customers with quality products and services. As an institution that is aware of the principle of protecting the environment that we have placed on the main axis of our activities and that it is possible to protect the environment as long as we keep this principle alive, we aim to protect the environment and reduce waste, to prevent pollution as a result of disposal by recycling and to increase recycling, to reduce waste at source, To create a better environment by working for reuse, recycling and recovery, To spread the principle of protecting the environment to our entire environment, country and the world, To identify and reduce risks for environmental emergencies, To consider environmentally friendly technologies while creating all processes from the Planning & Design stage of the product, To develop and implement energy efficiency projects that will have a positive impact on climate change, To carry out our product activities by applying the Environmental Management System, To comply with the legal and other requirements in force regarding the environment, To identify the threats associated with the risk of environmental emergencies and to identify the damage it will cause in the impact on the business, To continuously improve and develop our environmental performance, To take the necessary measures to reduce and eliminate the negative environmental impacts of our activities, to periodically review our determined goals and objectives, to create the necessary resources to achieve these goals and objectives, to increase awareness and sensitivity by ensuring that our policy is understood and adopted by our stakeholders. We declare and undertake

in order to reduce environmental impacts, manage legal and other requirements related to environmental emergencies, continually improve and develop our environmental performance, take necessary measures to reduce and eliminate the negative environmental impacts of our activities, review our defined goals and objectives periodically, and create the necessary resources to achieve these goals and objectives. We declare and commit.
The purpose of the Information Security Policy is to prevent information security incidents to ensure business continuity of Mepsan Defense Industry and Automotive Inc. and affiliated group companies and to minimize the impact of potential threats. In this context, the establishment of the Information Security Management System and compliance with the ISO 27001:2013 standard are aimed.
This policy covers the information assets within Mepsan Defense Industry. It is applied by all employees, suppliers/contractors within and outside the location.
The Information Security Board is responsible for keeping the risks to company information assets at an acceptable level approved by the top management.

- The aim of the policy is to protect the company's information assets against internal and external intentional or unintentional threats
- The General Coordinator of Mepsan Defense Industry and Automotive Inc. has approved this policy.
The Information Security Policy ensures all the following
- Identification of processes and information assets and methodological risk assessments of them
- Protection of information from unauthorized access
- Maintaining the confidentiality of information
- Maintaining the integrity of information
- Ensuring access to information at all times as needed by business processes
- Fulfilment of legal obligations and legal obligations arising from contracts
- Developing and improving business continuity plans
- Providing Information Security training to all employees
- Ensuring that all Information Security breaches or suspected breaches are reported to the Information Security Board and investigated
- Procedures and related instructions have been defined to support this policy.
- Information Security is provided considering business needs.
- The Information Security Board ensures the development, documentation, and continuous improvement of this policy and related documents, the Information Management System.
- The entire management team is responsible for ensuring that the units they manage comply with this policy and related procedures.
- Compliance with Information Security Policy is mandatory for all employees.